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Kettering Tasmania

Website Redevelopment

As a consequence of a web server update, the Kettering Tasmania website completely failed. This was due to a WordPress theme that is no longer maintained and that was broken by the server update.

Because replacing the theme turned out to be difficult, the website is being redeveloped using a more conventional structure. If you are looking for something that is missing, let the webmaster know.

Coming events

  KCA General Meeting: Ruth Downham of Firetail Garden  
Thursday 6 March 2025, 7pm
Kettering Community Hall

Ruth Downham of Firetail Garden will talk about growingdahlias and creating stained glass.

Phone 0402 118 548 or Email

  Kettering Neibourhood BBQ  
Friday 7 March 2025, 5:50pm
BBQ area behind Kettering Community Hall

BYO everything - food, beverages, cutlery etc. Come along and meet some new people.

Phone 0402 118 548 or Email

  Kettering Concerts: Brass, wood & keys  
Sunday 16 March 2025, 3pm
Kettering Community Hall

Reuben Allen (piano, trumpet, clarinet), Zachary Allen (piano, trumpet) and Jennifer Marten-Smith (piano) will play works by Kay, Liszt, Debussy and von Weber.

More details here. or Phone 0428 674 852 or Email

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